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Employment Certificate


I have registered as unemployed at Bundesagentur for Arbeit and now the next step is to fill in an application for benefits like insurance. I am asked to provide Certificate of Employment but this isn't something that an employer in the UK can issue. I only ever worked in the UK. Is there anyone here who had the same problem? Can you please let me know what you did?


Reply (2)

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Yara_Community Manger

Hello @MajkaP  

Maybe our experts from @Faire Integration in Schleswig-Holstein or @Saskia Faire Integration Sachsen-Anhalt can help you further.

Best wishes

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Faire Integration in Schleswig-Holstein

Hello @majkap,

Unfortunately, we cannot understand exactly what you mean. Please send us an e-mail so that we can understand it better and help you. Our email address is:

Best regards

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