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with an EU blue cart issued by Germany can I land in other EU countries while coming back from a non EU country?

Hi, I am an Afghan National with an EU blue cart issued in Berlin, I have booked return flight tickets from Afghanistan in such a way where I will be landing in Athens, Greece. Will I be allowed entry there or its a must that I need to land in Germany first in such cases? 

I tried to figure this by searching on the internet, but no luck so far, could you please help?

Thank you in advance. 
best regards.


Reply (2)

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Barbara Stasiak_Community Manager
Hi @mm, thank you for your question, with an EU Blue Card you can move around the EU and stay in other Schengen countries (which includes Greece) for up to 90 days, provided you are not working there:… It means you can fly from Afghanistan to Greece and then on to Germany. Please, let me know if you have any further questions. Best Barbara
Hi Barbara, Thank you very much :)
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