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Evaluation of Educational documents

Evaluation of my educational documents:

I am holder of dual master degree from India and also completed my bachelor degree in India, how I can evaluate my educational documents in the Germany?

Kinldy guid me regarding the process of  evaluation.

Thanks in advance.


Reply (6)

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Dear @Temor Since you are holding university degrees, you can check in advance whether they are already recognized. You do not necessarily need to get your individual evaluation. We already had a similar question about the acknowledgement process here:… You can check on the database "anabin" if your degree and the university you've studied at, is already acknowledged. Unfortunately, this website is only available in German. Please note, that either your bachelor or your master degree with the according university needs to be acknowledged to count as a skilled worker in Germany. Please make sure that the mentioned name of your university and your degree are matching the listed ones in the database. Best would be if your university should show the Status H+ and your degree appears equivalent (Entspricht). If this is not the case, there is still the possibility to apply for an acknowledgement process at Central Office for Foreign Education (Zentralstelle für ausländische Bildungswesen - ZAB). Please note that there are processing and translation fees to start the process. You can find more information here about recognition of foreign degrees. Please let me know if you need support in finding your university and degrees. I am very happy to help. Surely, you can get back to me, if you have more questions.
Thank you a lot respected Madam from you kind information regarding the mention issues. The site was as per your mentioned unfortunately it is in German but if it is possible kindly provide information related to my studied unviversitie they are H+ or not? The details of studied universities are as follows: 1. My bachelor degree is from Pune Univeristy, Pune, India (title of degree is CIVIL ENGINEERING.) 2. 1st master degree is obtained from Guatam Buddha University, Delhi, India. (Title of Degree is Urban & Regional Planning). 3. 2nd Master degree is obtained from G.D. Geonka University, Haryana, India. ( Title of degree is M.Tech in Construction Engineering and Management). Thanks a lot from your help and kind guidance.
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Dear @Temor I could find the following universities: Pune & Gautam. Unfortunately, Geona isn't listed. In India a Bachelor of Engineering does not need an extra acknowledgement, if your regular study time was 4 years. The same applies to a Master of Engineering or a Master in Technology. They are acknowledged as long as the duration of study was 2 years. Please find the documents attached.
Thank you so much from your efforts.
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Very happy to help, @Temor Are those your degrees?
Yes, the mentioned are my degrees. Thanks again from your help.
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