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Visa & Residence

Extend stay in Germany after 18 month job seeking resident expires

Hi I have graduated from a German university but no longer want to pursue employment related to my field of study.  Once my resident permit expires is there any way I can stay in Berlin other than applying for another degree and getting a student visa?  Thank you 


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Yara_Community Manger

Hello, thank you for reaching out. 
I would suggest to already looking for employment, through this you can also receive a permit and stay in Germany. Have you looked into this? 

Since November 2023 the law has also changed to make it possible to take up employment that is not directly related to your degree.
You can check out our site for more information.

Best wishes

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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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  • International Rescue Committee Logo