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Free interpreter for JobCenter consultation

I have been in Berlin 9 months and not being able to speak Deutsch yet, unfortunately, I need to register as unemployed at JobCenter that requires me to speak Deutsch. Is there any free interpreter available for such?


Best regards 

A. Permana 


Reply (6)

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My Nguyen_Community Managerin
Dear @permanaharianja thank you for reaching out to us! Indeed, often the co-worker at JobCenter only wants to speak German. Some are also willing to talk with you in English. There is a network of translators you can support you. Mostly, you can reach out to migration counselling center and they can match you. If you would like to share your zip code and the preferred language you would like to have translation in, I am happy to support you finding one close to you. Please note that I have shorten your name, to secure your data. Happy to get your feedback!
Oh that sounds like a very helpful service. I have a very similar situation. Can I have your support as well? 12101, TR/EN/FR works for me
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My Nguyen_Community Managerin
Sure, how can I help, @Simmel ? Are you looking for a translation support in your area, too? Where are you currently living?
Thanks for the fast reply. Berlin 12101 Tempelhof-Schöneberg
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My Nguyen_Community Managerin
Dear @Simmel thank you for getting back to me. I found Harmonie e.V.. There you can request an appointment via phone and ask for accompany you and support with translation. Additionally, there is a initiative, Schoeneberg hilft e.v. They provide various projects within the area but also accompany to appointments. Lastly, there is SMP Sprachmittlerpool Berlin, which charge a fee for their services (38-45€ net/hour) and a some travel expenses. I hope you can find some support. Please let me know if you have further questions.
Thanks a lot for the information
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