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German Citizenship

Hi everyone,


I hope you are all doing well. I have been studying in Germany for 5 years and I will be graduated sooner. As far as I read, I have gained a right to get German Citizinship because of the duration period in Germany. 

Can I apply to get German Citizenship after 27.06.2024? If you know something about this, please let ne know.




Reply (3)

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Hey @smalling34  , thank you for contacting us. We have gathered all the information about the new rules for German citizenship here: If you meet all the requirements, you can apply for citizenship. If you have any questions, please let us know. Best Barbara 


Hey Barbara,


Thank you for quick response. Here is the additional information which is related to my status „In principle, half the years you have spent in Germany with a student visaare also counted.“.I have been living here since April 2019, I wonder that does that mean I have 2.5 years as counted? 


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Hey @smalling34  , Yes, this means that you have unfortunately counted this time as 2.5 years. You can also apply for naturalization after three years, of course you have to have all the requierements and show your special integration achivement, like speaking German on the level C1-C2, volunteering and making an effort at work and being an absolute asset to the company and therefore also to the area where you work. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Best Barbara 

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