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Getting a certified training

Dear all, 

I'm a Ukrainian citizen and living in Germany with my family. finding a job in English only is quite challenging. 

Thus I was seeking to get a training program in which I will be certified in one or two fields. 

I found the institute, and I wrote to proArbit to approve it, however, they never return an answer either via email or via mail.


I don't know what I have to do in this case. any advices?





Reply (1)

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Yara_Community Manger
Dear @Medhat , I am sorry to hear that you have not received a reply. My advice would be that you try and make an appointment with them. It is incredibly hard sometimes to get through to German offices. I can also recommend some search sites where you can look for English speaking jobs. This might also help you. Try and be persistent with proArbeit. They should reply to you! If you have any further difficulty or they still do not reply to you please feel free to write us again. I can also give you some general advice on the job search in Germany. Best of luck with you job search Yara
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