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Fazila Mohammadzai
Labour Laws

Getting salary while BAMF is providing money


i have a concern and need some information. I have been applied for a job and my salary is about 1200 euro per month. This is while I get money about 461 euro from BAMF every month and they pay my course fees too. So the question is here, will BAMF will cut their support and money if i get this salary? Some people and Landrasamt say that They will not cut the support if the salary i am getting is less than what they are giving to me every month. 
looking for your information accordingly.

many thanks.



Reply (1)

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Yara_Community Manger

Hello thank you for reaching out to us.

During the asylum procedure the “Sozial Amt” or social office gives you money.  Unfortunately, yes if you work, the money from the office will be reduced. If the amount that you will earn is very high, it could be that you have to pay for your housing, if you are living in accommodation for asylum seekers. 

The Landesamt in Berlin has also provided information and an example of how much money is deducted. You can find the information in German but maybe translating the page to English can help you further:
Please note the regulations could slightly differ if you are in a different federal state -“Bundesland”

If you have a residency, you will receive financial help from the job centre. If you earn money while on the jobcentre the support money is reduced. You can earn 100euros extra without the support money being reduced.
Here we have more information:

If you have further questions, please let me know

Best wishes

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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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