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Dear Sir/Madam ,

Is Haagermany is authorised agency and trustable ? 

If it's authorised agency and trustable and they received all documents of a person in several emails and links they have the authority to select that person or they referred them to government of Germany? And the last question is if this agency received all documents that's it or still they send more emails and how a person know that he has been selected or has been not selected?


Reply (2)

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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @dawlatzai007 , Thank you for your question. We have received many questions regarding the federal admission program for Afghans. It might be useful for you to check the different threads and ask your questions also to others in the program or read through the threads. You can find the thread here: and… . To answer your question yes the the following e-mail is the official Mail for the federal admission program: . Yes, that is the general process behind the program as you described. We have more information on our Afghanistan page on the program and you can also read more about the program on the official government page: Unfortunately, you will only be notified if you are selected. If you are not selected you will not be notified at all. Best wishes
Thanks alot @yara almunaizel for your full information about this and now every one clearly understand and get their answers and I got everything now ?
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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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