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How to get an appointment from Pakistan embassy

Hello miss Yara, I called all NGO'S you give me the number but unfortunately they said they can't help. If you find out any other ways to get a quick appointment in Pakistan embassy please let me know. 

Regards.  Moqim 


Reply (2)

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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @moqimkabul , I am sorry that you could not get help from the NGO's. There is no other way to receive a quick appointment unfortunately, as mentioned, only in rare cases of hardship can you get an appointment sooner. The average waiting time is around 1-2 years. I know this is long and frustrating it is due to the shortage of staff at the embassies. We have more information on how to make an appointment here:`-=awrdn-a`day-khanwadh-bh-alman-bh-alman#lc-start Regards Yara
Hello miss Yara, hope you are well. at 3 of July my family had an interview in German embassy at Islamabad, the interview was successful and they were told to wait for German Visas. Can you please help us to get the Visas soon? or give us information or a phone number from ministry of foreign in Berlin that provides Visa. Best regards. Moqim Rashidi
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