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How to get a guardian

How to get a guardian?

Do the local youth welfare provide guardianship for foreigners living outside but planning to move to Germany


Reply (4)

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Yara_Community Manager

Hello @Kaylenivy001 , thank you for your question.

 Yes, Germany offers unaccompanied minors guardianship once they are in Germany. Unfortunately, Germany does not offer this for people abroad. 

In German guardians are called “Vormund”. They look after the minor's person and assets and represent him/her legally. They carry out all the tasks that were previously or should have been taken on by the parents. They represent the young people, for example, in asylum and residence procedures, in dealings with the youth welfare offices, provide for their health care and look after their education.

Usually, the guardian is appointment by the youth welfare services or a family court. 

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

 Best wishes 


Am a minor, planning to move to Germany. My friend in Germany says being my guardian will need alot of paperwork

That I should find other options

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Yara_Community Manager

Hi @Kaylenivy001 , thank you for clarifying. 

Unfortunately, the guardian will only be appointed to you once you are in Germany. 
On this website you can read more information on unaccompanied minors and guardianship. 
Maybe the @LIFE Initiative has also more information for you. 

Best wishes 

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LIFE Initiative

Hello @Kaylenivy001
As Yara already said correclty legal guradianship can only be provided when you are already in Germany. Also, getting a person, which isn't close family to be your legal guardian will in fact be very challenging. However it might be possible under certain conditions. For detailed information we advise you to contact a migration advice center.
If you can get the permission of your parents another option might be applying for a visa for school students ("Schülervisum") at the german embassy in your home country. For this you would have to be accepted by a German international school, have a guardianship agreement approved by a notary and your friend would have to be willing and able to be financially responsible you (show proof) and sign a "Verpflichtungserklärung" (formal obligation letter) at the immigration office. This procedure is very complicated too and we cannot determine if this is a realistic option in your individual situation. 
You might also want to inform yourself about appyling for asylum in Germany as a unaccompanied minor: 
As already mentioned above we strongly advise you to contact a migration adivce center to receive more information on this topic. Here you can find an advice center: and

I hope this information is helpful for you.

Kind regards, Yasmin

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