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How to know an email address is fake or correct

Hi miss Yara, hope you are well. 

My brother in law is in Afghanistan he registered himself at Kabulluftbruecke to come to Germany. He received an email asking him to submit his passport and documents but he is not sure the email address is fake or correct. can you please check out this email address please


Best wishes. Moqim 


Reply (27)

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Hi Moqim, This is the email address from the coordination center (reporting agencies) that send the links to the people in Afghanistan. This is not a fake address but a reliable email address. Yes of course, your brother can trust it and upload the document. Thanks Sophie
Dear Sphie, what will be the next steps?
Hi Sopei Wade, Thank you for your information، I have recived link for 3 time, a month ago I have uploded all related documents, which we attained by high expenses such as passport, birthcertificate Maraige certificate.... Haw many time take to final respons we are in waiting . Thank you
Thanks a lot miss Sophie wade
How can I answer Germany Assistant email
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Yara_Community Manager
Hello @khansediqullah1 , thank you for your question. Unfortunately, you cannot respond to this e-mail. As the e-mail is a "No Reply" mail. Best wishes Yara
Hi, @Yara_Community Manager Thank you for your information، I have recived NOREPLY@HAAGERMANY.HELP link for 3 time, a month ago I have uploded all related documents, which we attained by high expenses such as passport, birthcertificate Maraige certificate.... Haw many time take to final respons we are in waiting . Thank you
Hi dears, I got an e mail from, with this content (We have received your application for the Federal Admission Programme for Afghanistan. Nevertheless, we still need further information. Please click on the link, reply to our questions, and upload relevant documents, if necessary. Thank you) I had applied with Kabulluftbrueck and RSF, also my wife had applied before via link which we directly got from I am not sure, did they sent the new link to me or my wife?
Can you please give me more information in this regard? I couldn't understand whom do you need information about
Hi s-a-a I am in a similar situation. My email is linked to two applications for the Federal Admission Programme for Afghanistan. However, the email received requesting further information about the family members (passport, tazkira, and marriage certificate) does not specify which applicant, so not sure what to do. I can provide further information for both applicants, but not sure if this would delay the application further.
@541f Hello: It is Certain that any number of members your register or request assist via one email they will send the link at recommended e mail, so far there is no possible ways to know, they requested update for which of them, my most of friends did the same, but none of them pretty sure, will they get the positive feedback or not. so only the result will show the expected answer.
@S-A-A Thank you! So you provided the requested information about a month ago but still haven't had any feedback!
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Yara_Community Manager
Hello, @541f @S-A-A , first of all it is a good sign when you are asked to hand in more documents. That means your application is being considered. It is important that you do not apply with multiple organizations only with one, otherwise this can cause delays or problems in the procedure. Please also refer to our Afghanistan page for more information on the program: Unfortunately, there is not space to write extra things in these formulas. Double check with what e-mail you applied for the program. When they are asking you to hand in passports and Tazirkas, please hand in all the passports and tazkiras from your family members (spouse and children) as this program allows you to take you family with you. I hope this could answer some of the questions. Best wishes Yara
Hi brother, I am moqim R. I live in Germany since 2018 and I have got 3 years Blue passport here and I registered my wife and my children in German embassy in Pakistan for family reunion so 15 days ago at 3th of July my family got an appointment in the embassy and the interview was very successful. Now my family are waiting for Berlin to provide them Visa. so can you please help us to get the Visas soon or give us a phone number from the office where they provide Visas? Best regards. Moqim R.
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Yara_Community Manager
Hello @moqimkabul , congratulations for your family having the successful interview. Unfortunately, the procedure cannot be sped up unless there is a serious hardship case. Have you heard a reply from the embassy, yet? The embassies usually also do not reply to questions regarding the time it will take to issue a visa. Let me know if your family have not received a visa yet. Best wishes
@Yara_Community Manager Hi Yara , no unfortunately 2 months past and still my family didn't get Visas.
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Yara_Community Manager
@moqimkabul I am sorry to hear that it is taken so long. Unfortunately, the whole family reunification process can take up to two years or longer. I am not aware of a number you can call to ask for the current status unfortunately, we can also not speed up the process. I will do some more research and get back to you, if I find more information Best wishes
I hope there should anyone to answer the question regarding the discussed issues, I am not pretty sure of the situation, I am also struggling to find the better solution on my issue, as I mentioned that me and my wife applied via our own channels for German admission program, at the main time we have used similar email and got only one feedback. No one can speed up the German Visa procedure unless there should a governmental organization. I hope everybody should find the safe heaven and peace to live.
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Yara_Community Manager
@S-A-A , thank you for your follow up. Unfortunately, this is a quite difficult situation. E-mails should be just linked to one application. However, were you able to resolve this issue? Apologies for our late response on this thread.
@Yara_Community Manager Hi Yara, I hope you are doing well, just luck, I got the second email, but I am pretty sure now, it belongs to my wife. there so, I request from all viewers never link more than one case in one email, you may lost your chance, I hope I shouldn't have done before.
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Yara_Community Manager
@S-A-A Great to hear that this has been solved. Yes please do not link more than one application to an e-mail. Best wishes
Hi dear viewers! Our case has been successfully submitted to BAP (Federal Admission Program) almost three months ago. My question is how long will this take to receive a formal email from BAP and is there any possibility of rejection about our case or not? Please help me about this issue. Thanks a lot!
if you are successful you will receive a formal email. You will not be notified in case your case is not successful.
@541f how long this stage will take? It has been now 88 days since we received submission email.
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Yara_Community Manager
Hi @AriaFar this is hard to predict, many have waited a very long time and never received a response. Unfortunately, you will not be informed if your application is rejected.
@Yara_Community Manager Thank you for your information، I have recived NOREPLY@HAAGERMANY.HELP link for 3 time, a month ago I have uploded all related documents, which we attained by high expenses such as passport, birthcertificate Maraige certificate.... Haw many time take to final respons we are in waiting . Thank you
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Yara_Community Manager
@d.n.m I am sorry to inform you that we cannot tell you when and if you will receive a response. You will only be notified if your application was successful. I hope that your will soon receive a reply. Best wishes
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