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how long does it take for the processing

Hi dear friend,

I have a quick question regarding my submission to the Jobcenter. I sent additional documents they required on September 3rd, and it's now been three weeks without any response. What should I do next? 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Reply (3)

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Hi @wang  , thank you for getting in touch. Please contact the Jobcentre (caseworker) directly and ask if they have received your documents. If you have any further questions, please let us know. Best Barbara 


dear Barbara ,thank you for your reply. Please kindly let me know, where in Berlin can I find some social help service ,to help me dealing with jobcenter. I need someone who can speak English to help me dealing with them. please let me know. thanks again!

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Hey @wang  , Please let me know which job centre in Berlin you are in. For example, the Jobcenter in Mitte has a lot to offer in terms of translation support: I am waiting for your response. Best Barbara

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