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how to take addmission in University

Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Fawad Zafar from Afghanistan and I just immigrated to Germany and currently I am leaving in Furth Bavaria and learning german it will be completed in a month or two.
I have a plan to get my masters degree in computer science as i completed  my bachelor degree in computer science from Pune university of india so i need your help and guidance how can i take admission and where can i find support to help me.

Best Regards 

Fawad Zafar


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Daniela_Community Managerin
Hello @Fawadzafar.2007 thank you for the question. Might you tell me which status you currently have? Are you on a study title with previous German course? . You might as well reach out to TH Nürnberg. They offer student counseling service… . Happy to hear from you soon. Best regards Daniela
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