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I am recognised refugee

Hello. I am a recognised refugee, however, I had refugee  status in Poland, not in Germany. We have Geneva passports. Now I and my family (all refugees) are in Germany. We couldn't return to Poland because of threat there. And would like to start live and work in Germany. From what should we start?  Where should I register? And how to recognise my status in Germany?


Reply (2)

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Hello @Radan18 , thank you for reaching out to us. 
Generally, if you have received refugee status in Poland you do not automatically receive refugee status in Germany. 
In order to receive refugee status in Germany you would have to apply for asylum here. However, since you already received an International Protection in another EU country it is much more difficult to get Germany to accept your asylum application in the first place. . 

Applying for asylum should be closely discussed with an expert. As there are many disadvantages if your asylum procedure gets rejected and within the asylum procedure itself. Maybe there are also other options for you, such as applying for a working permit. 

 . We cannot answer the questions you have for you on the platform. As we are not able to look at your case in detail. But I can guide you to a counselling center that can look at your case and discuss the next steps for you and your family in Germany. 

 . If you let me know where in Germany you are, I can look for a counselling center close to you. 

You can also search for one yourself using The BAMF Navi: 
If you are under 27 you can also use the services of the youth migration center: 

 . Please let me know if you need further support or any other questions. I am always happy to help 

Best wishes
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Hi @Radan18  ,

I wanted to check in on you.

Could you receive consultation around your possibility of an asylum procedure in Germany?

Let us know if you have further questions.

Best wishes


A project by:
  • medienmacher
  • Funded by the European Union Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
Funded by:
  • International Rescue Committee Logo