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I have uploaded my documents but I am not sure if you received them

Hello Madam/Sir 

I received an email from which asked me to upload my documents. 

I have sent a copy documents including, passports, tazkira, work and marriage certificates, visa and a letter. It says that upload was successful but I neither received any notification you received them nor that any other button or page appears to send the uploaded documents. 

To explain better for uploading documents I did as follow:

- clicked on green button "Hinzufugen"

- chose the respective document from my computer

- clicked on "Versuchen" button. 

- a green line appeared on document ( I assume it means uploading happened) 

- The "Versuchen" changed to "Erneut Versuchen" which means upload again. 

Am I done now or shall I redo the process? I did not see any "Finish" or "Send "button or got any notification that the uploaded documents are sent. I am confused. 

Thank you in advance for your help. 


Reply (7)

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Hello @Zah_N thank you for you valuable question. We assume there are a lot that have the same issues that you do. First of all, it is a very good sign that the coordination center requests additional documents from you. This means that they started to check your submission. If you already uploaded the requested documents on the link they provided, unfortunately, you won't receive any notification/confirmation that they were successfully submitted. If you are unsure, then re-do it and if everything looks the same as the first time, it will surely be correct. Please note that the next review will additionally take some time, most likely months, until you will receive any feedback if you will be granted or not. My apologies that I don't have better news. Please let me know in case you have further questions.
Hello again, Thanks for your answer. I was very stressed about it but as you suggested, I tried once again and could successfully submit the documents. Due to the worse situation, I have here in Afghanistan, every news about my case makes me very happy and grateful. I hope that my letter and documents convince the government. As a woman that had once a life full of hope, passion and plans am living in the worst security and economic situation that could ever imagine and I do not know how far this will go. I pray for better days. Special thanks for your assistance. Z_N
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Dear @Zah_N I am happy to hear that the upload worked out now. My fingers are crossed that you will receive a feedback soon! Wish you all the best! Happy if you also get back in case you have further questions.
@My__Community_Managerin Thank you so much. I pray to get a response right now.
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Hello @Zah_N , I am glad to hear you were able to submit all your documents. I hope that you will receive a response soon. Unfortunately, you will only receive a response if you are admitted to the federal admission program for Afghans. You will not be notified otherwise. You can read more on the program on our Afghanistan info page: Best wishes
Dear Yara I understand what you say, and wish that the federal admission program response is positive to my case. I am in an awful situation, and unfortunately, can not express the situation online but, I would be really shocked if they do not give a response to my case. Do you know how long it takes usually to get a response? It maybe helps me with the waiting process. I am so stressed. :(
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Dear @Zah_N we do really understand that this sounds frustrating. Unfortunately, there is no specific estimation how long this process will take. The last information we received took some months up to a year. I am so sorry that there are no better news for now. As my colleague already send you the information page where you can find any updates about the program. We wish you all the best!
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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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