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Yara_Community Manager

Immigration and blue card with family

Hello the following question reached us from the community.
ayselsahin9  asked us the following question:

Have a nice day . I am writing you from turkey. My name is Aysel, I was born on 1988. I am originally from Azerbaijan. I have been living in Turkey for 14 years. I am married and have 2 children. My profession is a nurse. I know English and Russian languages. Unfortunately, I do not have any knowledge of the German language, but I can assure you that I can learn it in a short time. If there is an opportunity to migrate with my family with a blue card, I would like to get information about this from you. I'm grateful already 


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Yara_Community Manager
Hey @ayselsahin9 thanks for reaching out. In general it is possible to apply for the Blue Card. As the profession of a nurse is a so-called "Mangelberuf" or "Engpassberuf" (this means Germany has not enough professionals in this working field) the requirements are the following: . It is necessary to get the recognition of your qualification beforehand. You can prove your qualification with an academic degree or a finished vocational training. Please be aware that due to some changes of the law there might be new information coming on this progress. . Here you can find more information on the current progress:… It is helpful to know in which federal state "Bundesland" you want to move as this procedure is slightly different in each of the 16 federal states. Reach out to "IQ Netzwerk" if you need further counseling. . Furthermore German language skills between level A1 to level B1 might be requested. You need to check that with your future employer. Here is more information on the Blue Card EU: . If you want to bring your family with you please be aware that you have to apply for the family reunification visa as well: Please apply at the same time as the chances are higher to get the approval at the same time so you can move together. . Best regards
A project by:
  • medienmacher
  • Funded by the European Union Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
Funded by:
  • International Rescue Committee Logo