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Interpreter needed in Witten/Bochum Area


I live in Witten and on the 11.10, Wendsday from 12.15 I have a termin with the local Arbeitsamt.
I had an a person willing to come with me, but sadly today he texted me that he wont be able to make it, due to an accident. 

So, 2 days before the termin I am left without anybody. I speak very little German, I started calsses, but very recently. 

I dont have a lot of hope, but decided to ask if anybody is willing to join me and come with me to the termin. 
Of course, I will pay for your time and services. 

Thank you


Reply (2)

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Dear @fancy839 I am sorry to hear about your friends accident and hope he will get better soon. There is a project, Laien-Sprachmittlerpool, which accompanies and translate at appointments, like Arbeitsamt or the foreigners department. However, the prefer a request at least a week before the actual appointment but you might want to give it a try. Surely, you can save the application form for future appointments, too. Please note, that the project is currently funded by the federal state. The translators will receive a little fee (15€/hours, each additional 30 minutes: 5€) and some travel expenses (0,30€/km). You will need to fill out the refund application after your meeting with the translator. Feel free to reach out, if you have further questions.
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Hi @fancy839 , I hope you are well I just wanted to double check if you need any further information. Best wishes
A project by:
  • medienmacher
  • Funded by the European Union Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
Funded by:
  • International Rescue Committee Logo