Issue with Arbeitslosengeld
I applied for the Arbeitslosengeld, and I am waiting for an answer, but I have an issue, and I don´t know how I can solve it. I will explain my situation:
My contract stated that my salary would be 3450 euros per month. Additionally, I would rent an apartment from the company. The issue is that on my payslips, my ex-employee stated that I was earning 2450 euros, taking 1000 euros for the apartment's rent before taxes. I asked them several times to change it, but they never did. Now, for the Arbeitslosengled, it is stated in the Arbeitsbescheinigung that I was receiving 2450 euros, which is what it is written on my payslips. I am aware that this means that I owe taxes. I will try to speak with my ex-employer and ask for legal counseling, although I don`t have money because I am not working now. Could you advise me on what I can do?
Hello @Georginagv ,
I am sorry to hear that you lost your job!
This really sounds like a very difficult situation. It is indeed very suspicious that your former employer did not state any rental costs on your payslips. Does your work contract show your supposed salary and also mention the rental costs?
You should definitely try to talk to your former employer again to have the Arbeitsbescheinigung as well as your previous payslips corrected. You might want to request this in writing and set a deadline - usually 2 weeks.
The challenge is that not only will you need to pay the difference in taxes, but your former employer will also have to make adjustments. If they refuse to correct the documents, you should seek legal advice. You can receive free counseling from Faire Integration in different languages. On their website, you can look for counseling centers in your area. Maybe @Faire__Integration_in_Schleswig-Holstein can also give you another suggestion or can add something on our forum already.
If legal advice leads to court proceedings, you can apply for legal aid. You can find more information about legal aid on Handbook Germany. If you want to avoid legal action, you might consider filing a complaint with the tax office, as your employer may be violating tax laws.
Have you already informed the employment agency about your situation? Perhaps you can show them your contract as well.
I hope this helps you get started. If you need help finding counseling services in your area or have further questions, please let me know.