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Is it ok not to have passports for the time being. Does it impact the application process

I received an email from 'The Secretariat of the Federal Admission Program for Afghanistan' regarding my application for Germany's Afghan Resettlement Program yesterday. The email asks for several previously uploaded documents of which I do have all except the Passports of myself and my two kids. As we all know the difficulties that confront ordinary citizens especially those who face potential threats from the Taliban, to apply for passports. So my questions are:

1- Is it okay to reply to the email by sending relevant documents that it asks for without passports for the time being because it might take a while to get them and we, except my husband, don't have them at the moment (though we do yield ID cards)? We're trying to get them as soon as possible.

2- Should I upload the documents in a single PDF file or ...what?

Thank you,


Reply (4)

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Dear @Sumaia123 , Thank you for your question. Yes, you should send all the documents you have (if you can, in one PDF document) with your ID cards. Write that you will send your and your children's passports as soon as possible (don’t write that you don’t have the passports). Please, let me know if you have any further questions. Best, Barbara
Thank you very much, Barbara. You've been very helpful!

Dear Barbara, I hope you're fine and doing well, I received an email from a German secretariate based in Islamabad, Pakistan on April 15 which informed me that my family (husband and 2 kids) and I had been selected for admission to Germany under the federal admission program for Afghanistan. They also sent me my file number at BAMF. So we've got a couple of questions (concerns) to which we're expecting your response: 1: In the email, they provided me with some additional emails and said that I should prepare travel documents (Passports and Pakistani visas) and contact those emails for a visit to Islamabad, however, they didn't specify the timeline and how long they could exactly wait for us to prepare those travel documents because my kids and I have applied for passports but our turn has not arrived yet given the hectic processes and pressure of thousands of applications on passport offices across Afghanistan in these days and getting passports for ordinary Afghans might take a little longer - It might take a couple of months to get both the passports and Pakistani visas. So, do you know if this is going to affect our application back in Islamabad? Is this delay going to cause us problems? Are we going to be in trouble? How long can they wait for us? Although I might add that we are trying day and night to get them as soon as possible. 2: In the email, a pdf file by the name of (Notice of Admission) was also sent. What this file is for? What is the purpose of it? If it is to be filled, how and when to fill it? I know my questions are longer but I hope we get a response for them because we have got no one other than the Handbook to help us in this crucial moment. Thank you, Sumaia

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Dear @Sumaia123  , I am sorry to write to you now, but I have not seen your message. I suppose the questions are no longer topical. Anyway, we are an online first information forum and we are not part of the Federal Admission Program, so the kind of detailed information you needed we dont have. Best wishes Barbara 

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