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Job Seeker Visa

Hello everyone. 

My appointment for jobseeker visa interview is in March 2024. One of the requirement is to creat a block account but I don't have enought money. Is there other ways? 


Reply (3)

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Hey @Asia451554 , Thank you for your question. To get the job seeker visa you need to prove that you can cover your living expenses during the time you are looking for a job. As you wrote you need to show a blocked bank account. From the community experience: you could borrow money from sb and block it and give back the money after your interview. If you cannot provide such proof, a third person can submit a "Declaration of Commitment" for you: Let me know if you have any further questions. Best Barbara
Is it acceptable to show them a grantee letter from my relatives in Germany. a letter that showes that they will support me while searching for work.
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@Asia451554 It is not that simple. Your relatives must have German citizenship, a valid residence permit or a settlement permit for Germany. You can find details here:… They will have to go to the immigration office in their place of residence in Germany where they will submit a declaration o commitment They can find the address of the Immigration Office here: They must have enough income and be able to prove it. Here you find details:…. The documents they need:…. Submitting a declaration of commitment costs € 29. If all documents are in order, they will receive the original document/declariation of commitment. Then they must send it to you. You have to give this document to the German Embassy together with all your other Visa documents.
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