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jobcenter rejected application


I lost my job about a year ago and at first, I registered in the Arbeitsagntur for the arbeitslosengeld I, after the period where I received money from the Arbeitsagntur was over I went  to the jobcentre for the Bürgergeld and I had two appointments one with the person who is responsible on processing my application and an appointment with the a person who is responsible on helping me finding a job and it was a good meeting they gave me another appointment and she told me sorry I can not help you in finding a job due the fact that the jobcentre rejected you application. What should I do next ? i have no way to pay the rent and other stuff ! i am applying for jobs and I might be able to find something soon but until then ? i did not received the letter of rejection yet to know why my application was rejected.


thank you for the help 


Reply (2)

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Hi @Newtonmetern  , Thank you for contacting us. I am sorry that you have lost your job and are facing so many difficulties. First, don't wait for the denial letter. Call or visit your Sachbearbeiter at the Job Center and ask for the specific reason for the rejection. It may be that the job coach meant that your application for job coaching was rejected. So please clear this up first. You can also contact a Sozialamt. They can provide temporary financial assistance. Please, check if this link is useful for you: If you have any further questions, please let us know. You can also ask for advice in the forum, e.g. see if others have had similar questions or topics and write your questions below + tag the person (with @). Best Barbara 

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@Newtonmetern  , One more addition: In order to receive benefits from the Sozialamt, you need the notification from the Job Center that you will not receive any benefits there. So you need the rejection letter from them. If you are in Berlin, you can contact the Mobile Beratung zum Bürgergeld: Best Barbara and Yara 

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