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learning language

hello to veery one

how can i study german language in one of the Hesse university private payment.

or how can i study my PhD in Political science in english language in the goethe or giesen university in the Hesse state in germany.

please help me


Reply (2)

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Hello @Dunia , thank you for coming on our platform. I have a question, regarding your wish to study German language. Do you mean the studying German to improve your German, or do you wish to study German language at the university to become, for example a German teacher? . If you wish to study German then there are some programs, for example the academic welcome program (AWP) This allows applicant who are ayslum seekers or received protection to learn German and be introduced to a network in German academia. The requirements are at least B1 German level. The application procedure for the next year summer semester, will start this November. If you have questions regarding the application procedure or the program you can book an appointment for counselling here:… . There are also free intensive German courses at the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, you can find out more here:… . Please let me know if you wish to study German language at the university in order to become, for example, a teacher or translator. . Finally In order to start a PhD you will have to have your previous degrees recognized and find a suitable supervisor. In addition, you should already have a draft of your PhD topic. More information on PhD’s in Germany can be found here: Please let me know if you have any further questions. I am happy to help. Good luck with your studies and best wishes
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Hello @Dunia , I hope you are doing well. Were you able to apply for a university in Hessen? We would love if you could share your experiences. Best wishes
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