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LJR French School Munich

We moved from the UK in 2015 and my daughter was born in Munich. We are a trilingual family English, French and Greek. We do not speak German at home. My daughter was ta the French School LJR for Kindergarten and 1klasse und 2.klasse. She joined the local German school in 3.klasse. She has difficulties in German because she is not a native speaker and the French school teaches German only as a second language. Now in year 4 she is finding things very difficult.I am worried about the next steps in her education Does this law apply to her?

thank you



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Hello @Angelxxx90 , thank you for reaching out.

 We are not able to give legal advice via the forum, but yes, this law should apply to anyone who visits the primary school in Bavaria. After 4..Klasse the children are divided into secondary schools, Gymnasium, Realschule or Mittelschule. We have the following information here: 

It would be a good idea to talk to your child’s teachers about the next steps as soon as possible. 

You can also reach out to a counseling center, they offer information about the Bavarian education system and have a chat function, you can see the opening hours here: 

Please let us know if you have any further questions or updates. There are many parents with similar questions and you experience could help others. 

Best wishes 

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