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Labour Laws

Looking for work permit

I am Nasser from Yemen, I finished my diploma in Automobile mechanic in the fo mer east Germany from the period 1980 to 1982 in Neubrandenburg.

I also worked at the German consulate general in my home town ,for almost a year.

I also obtained a B1 Deutsch Zertifikat in 2010.

Is there any chance to have an opportunity to get a work permit,or any other way to get a guidance in order to fulfill my dream.


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Daniela_Community Managerin
Hello @hope24 thank you for the question. As you already have some connections to Germany you might check if the re-entry visa might fit in your case. Here is the information on the embassy in Amman/Jordan as the Germany embassy in Sanaa/Yemen currently doesn't offer consular services:… (in German)… (in Arabic) . If you want to come to Germany on a skilled workers visa (§18a/b) here are the newest regulations:… As you finished your diploma in Germany recognition might not be necessary in your case. Your German B1 certificate is as well great to find a job. Here are all the requirements for the visa listed:… (in German)… (in Arabic) . If you have further questions let me know. Best wishes Daniela
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