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Medicine Degree from Private university

Hello I hope this message finds you well .I have searched on Anabin and I found out that all Private Universities of Afghanistan has H+- . 
Do you have any information whether any of medicine degree from Afghan Private universities has been recognized by German government or not ? 


Reply (11)

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Hello @ABC thank you for you valuable question! You are quite correct in assuming that your degree should be comparable to a German degree at best. That way it is easier to start and continue your studies/work. The website, Anabin, is already correct for checking. You can read more about the acknowledgement process here: . Have you found your university or isn't it listed at all? I also looked on anabin for private universities in Afghanistan. As far as I could see, you are right. In the details from some listed private universities, it is noted that the whole university cannot be accredited and the degrees must be looked individually. For now +/- is not bad. This means that an application is unfortunately due to the translations and processing fee, very cost-intensive, but still has chances. You can reach out to IQ Network, e.g. @Beate_IQ_NRW_West is supporting us for IQ Netzwerk NRW. They are represented in various federal states and offer free counselling. They have a lot of experience with the recognition process of educational qualifications. If you tell me where you live or the federal state you currently are, I can support you in your search. Please also let me know, if you have further questions.
Thank you lot . I was in 10th semester when I left Afghanistan. I am scare if they do not recognize my these credits it will destroy my future . I have already started learning Deutsch but this phobia is always hurting me . I live in Hessen state . I can go to everywhere for this issue .
I have found my university in list but it has also H+- as other private universities have from Afghanistan.

Hello can you please tell me how to search my university in list

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Dear @ABC thank you for getting back to me. I can imagine that this feels scary. However, there is still the chance to get your current degree recognized. You can read more about the Statement of Comparability on the website of the responsible institution: The IQ Network can support you with the application. You could call the general Hotline first 0800 1301040 (free of charge for calls from within Germany). You can reach them Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9.00 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. & Thursday: 2.00 p.m. - 5.30 p.m. There are 3 locations in Hessen: Frankfurt, Wiesbaden and Kassel: As far as I can see, Frankfurt or Wiesbaden should be the closest. However, only one person in Kassel also provides counselling in Farsi/Dari. Please let me know which one you would like to get in contact with, so I can give you more details how to reach them.
Thank you . I think next Friday after afternoon would be great in Frankfurt.
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Hello @ABC I have reached out to them and will get back to you as soon as I receive a reply.
Thank you
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Dear @ABC my apologies for my late reply. Unfortunately, I haven't received any feedback. Were you able to reach out to them? Maybe [~9070] or @Ina_IQ_NRW_West from the IQ network can support you for a start.
Thank you . No I have not reached to them but I will send them message too . Let’s see what happens .

Hi @ABC  ,

I wanted to check in with you. Could you reach IQ network yet? I hope you could get your degree from Afghanistan recognized.

Let us know if you have any further questions.

Best wishes


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