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Good day Amin, My Name is Samuel I made it to Germany December 18th 2022 and I seek for Asylum, I was transferred to Soest Camp, I did my first interview on the 07 of March 2023 after six months of waiting for the response from BAMF I got a letter from BAMF that they can't make any decisions yet on my Asylum case that I should be patient with them they will get back to me in few months, but in other not to be useless in the country I start looking for job and luckily I got a job offer in another city (Duisburg) I submitted the job offer to Zentrale Ausländerbehörde (Unna) and after a month of reviewing my working permit application I was transferred to Ratingen city (ZUE camp) because of the job offer but my AUFENTHALTSGESTATTUNG has expired October in which  Zentrale Ausländerbehörde (UNNA) tell me that  Zentrale Ausländerbehörde (ZAB) Essen, will be the responsible authority for the renew of my AUFENTHALTSGESTATTUNG and also my working permit but unfortunately Zentrale Ausländerbehörde (ZAB)Essen, told me that BAMF said they should not renew my AUFENTHALTSGESTATTUNG that it's BAMF themselves that will give me another one but I don't know when the BAMF will renew it for me please help me what can I do and because of BAMF have not renew my AUFENTHALTSGESTATTUNG  the Zentrale Ausländerbehörde (ZAB) Essen, did  not give me the working permit yet Please I need your help Thanks.


Reply (8)

Please I need an answer and assistance as well Thanks Admin
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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @Sammy09 , thank you for your question on our platform. I am sure there are many who struggle with similar issues regarding starting a job during the asylum procedure. It must be very frustrating that you cannot work because of these bureaucratic issues. In order to give you a better answer I will ask you some questions. Did you apply for a renewal for the Aufenthaltsgestattung? It is correct that the initial Aufenthaltsgesattung was issued by the BAMF. However the process of the renewal is different in every city. Do you currently hold another paper or just the expired Aufenthaltsgesattung? Looking forward to your replies. Best wishes
Thanks for your response, initially my First AUFENTHALTSGESTATTUNG was issued by BAMF which was 6months, but after I spend 9 months in the Camp without been transferred to apartment I was told that I can search for work but after I search for work I got a work in another city so I submitted the Arbeit form with the job discription with my AUFENTHALTSGESTATTUNG but my AUFENTHALTSGESTATTUNG is one month to expired so I was transferred to the city where I got the job after 2 weeks, so while working for working permit my AUFENTHALTSGESTATTUNG expired, so since then I have been contacting (Ausländerbehörde ZAB ESSEN) for my working permit and my new AUFENTHALTSGESTATTUNG but when I go to Ausländerbehörde ZAB Essen) office I was told that they call BAMF concerning my new AUFENTHALTSGESTATTUNG but BAMF said that they (Ausländerbehörde ZAB Essen) Should not give me that they (BAMF) will be the one to give me. And since then I have been waiting to hear from Bamf but nothing yet more than 2 months I have been with the expired AUFENTHALTSGESTATTUNG
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Yara_Community Manger
Hi @Sammy09 , thank you for your response. There could be various reasons why you are in this limbo. It is best to contact an advice center in Essen as soon as possible so they can get in touch with the offices and support you in receiving a renewal of your Aufenthaltsgestattung. . It could be that the BAMF has made a decision of your asylum process. Did you let the BAMF know about your new address? This is important so you can receive the decision from them via the post. . Finally you can contact Pro Asyl Essen or go to one of the open counseling session. By clicking on the Link you can find the contact information. . Please let me know if you were able to reach Pro Asyl Essen. Best wishes Yara
Yes I have sent a Fax to BAMF Through CARITAS organization in our camp concerning my new address but I didn't receive any response from them yet but I will go to the Pro Asyl Essen and explain my situation to them as well Thank you so much and I will get back to you as soon as possible Thank.
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Yara_Community Manger
Thanks for the update. I hope this can get sorted quickly!
Good afternoon Admin, Bamf said that until I get result of my Asylum interview before I can be given new AUFENTHALTSGESTATTUNG since I'm still in the Camp but I don't know if I can use my Expired AUFENTHALTSGESTATTUNG to look for job because I don't know when BAMF will reply to my Asylum interview, so I was thinking of searching for job around Duisburg again since I didn't get any response concerning my first Working permit application that Ausländerbehörde Unna transfered to Ausländerbehörde Essen (ZAB Essen) by themselves because I don't know what to do again more than a year now in Camp . Thanks
Seoyoung_Community Management Support

Hi @Sammy09  ,

I wanted to check in with you about your issues. Could you talk to Pro Asyl already?

Let us know if you have any questions.

All the best


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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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