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Naturalisation for International Students

Hello @My Nguyen :) 

I have a question regarding Naturalisation for International Students, I am an international Student who has the C1level in german and who already passed the Integration test and have a document from my university that I belong to one of the most engaged students at the university. I have a 16B ABS.1 Residence permit and have been in Germany since end of 2018, I will finish my Bachelor degree soon. Am I eligible to apply from now for Naturalisation? Do I meet the criterias? I hope you can answer my question since I am not able to find any information regarding Naturalisation for International Students.


Many thanks and best regards :)


Reply (6)

I forgot to mention that I have been also working as a student assistant at my university since then and paying taxes and the Rentenbeitrag
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Hello @Ingenieurwholovesexpresso , thank you for reaching out to us. In order to be able to apply for German citizenship one needs to hold a permanent residence or a residence permit which entitles you to a permanent residence permit. The Student residence permit does not allow you to have a permanent residence. Only after completing your studies and finding a qualified skilled job or receiving a residency as a researcher can you receive the permanent residence permit. You can read more on receiving the permanent residence here: And more information on the naturalization process here: Please let me know if you have any further questions. Best wishes
I think in one of your videos on Instagram, you mentioned that, unlike some other countries, you're not required to have permanent residency before getting the passport? In my case, I have been in Germany since Sep-2019, I recently completed my Master's. Currently, I'm on a job seeking visa and looking for work. I'm hoping that the dual nationality law will be approved in the coming months. If I'm employed in the coming months, meet the German language requirement, then would I be eligible to apply for German citizenship once I have been here for 5 years?
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Hello  @MudassirSheikh   thank you for your question and for your patience. Please note that the new citizenship law is not yet enforced. It will be implemented from the 26th of June.
Regarding what you have mentioned and the language requirements as well as securing a job, you can apply for German citizenship from September 2024 onward.
Please keep me updated of the process best of luck and regards

Thank you so much dear Yara, that's super helpful :D wishing you a great day!
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Thank you, I am always happy to help if you have further questions. Wishing you a great day too!
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