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Naturalization's test with a master's degree in management

Good day,

I live in Germany since 2018 and currently going to apply for a German citizenship. I have obtained my master's degree in 2020 with a title "Master in Aeronautical Management M.Eng". Can I be exempted from passing the "Leben in Deutschland" test based on my education considering the conditions outlined below?

Unter bestimmten Bedigungen können Personen vom Einbügerungstest befreit werden. Das gilt für Menschen:

  • unter 16 Jahren oder
  • mit deutschem
    a) Schulabschluss,
    b) Berufsschulabschluss,
    c) Studienabschluss in den Bereichen Rechts-, Gesellschafts-, Sozial-, Politik- oder Verwaltungswissenschaften.

 If so, do I need to apply for any kind of diploma's assessment authority for approval?


Many thanks in advance.




Reply (1)

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Hallo @Valerii111  , Thank you for contacting us. Your Master's degree sounds very impressive, but it is not enough to exempt you from the naturalisation test. As far as I know, Aeronautical Management does not directly fall under the legal, social, political or administrative sciences. These subjects are specifically designed to provide an in-depth understanding of the German legal system and society. However, I would advise you to contact the Ausländerbehörde responsible for you. They will provide you with binding information on which documents you need. You can also ask for advice in the forum, e.g. see if others have had similar questions or topics and write your questions below + tag the person (with @). Best wishes Barbara 

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