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Need help and protection

After Talibans came to power they banned girls from going to school and university, and banned womens from work in society, and lots of problems Talibans creating for womens day by day,

And the 🌎 is silent about this injustice,

Womens did lots of protest for their rights, But nothing happened instead they arrested and jailed,

This situation was unbearable for me I did a big protest i raised my voice for womens rights,

I made a placard with text "in search of Amir  ul-mominin" he is the leader of Talibans,

I started walking in city with placard in my hand among peoples,

But Talibans arrested me,

My action became breaking news for media like Afghanistan  International TV, You can find more details by searching this number in Google 202407264647

My wish was justice and freedom for womens and girls in Afghanistan,

Lots of tortures electric shock and cold water in jail,

Bad days and nights in jail under control of Talibans,

I have lots of thing for saying,

After release me with my family lift the country because of threats, we escaped to one of neighbours country,

And here we life with lots of problems,

We are in search of a save place to life without fear and depression,

My question is UN EXISTS or Not?

We fought for justice and freedom,

But now we are alone,



Reply (1)

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Yara_Community Manger

Hello @Barish , thank you for reaching out. 

I am deeply sorry to hear what you have been through and going through.
Unfortunately, the German admission program is not taking in new applications. 
You can see support and help program in and around Afghanistan here: 

I am sorry that I can not give you any more positive news. 
Best wishes 

A project by:
  • medienmacher
  • Funded by the European Union Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
Funded by:
  • International Rescue Committee Logo