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Barbara Stasiak_Community Manager
Visa & Residence

no documents and gray pass

We received a question from one of our community members   @User.34  

I want to ask you something i am from pakistan but i don't have any identity because 13 years ago i leave pakistan i dont have any birth certificate or another document so can Germany deport me or not and how can i take gray passport 


Reply (2)

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Barbara Stasiak_Community Manager

Dear @User.34 , thank you for your question. Our experts from the @LIFE Initiative will answer your questions as soon as possible. Best wishes Barbara 

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LIFE Initiative

Hi @User.34 , thank you for your inquiry. These answers are provisional, as we do not know your exact situation and cannot give legal advice. If you are currently an asylum seeker and have no identity documents, you must prove to the immigration office that you are unable to obtain these documents ("Mitwirkungspflicht" (duty to cooperate)). For example, if you have a document from the authorities in Pakistan stating that they will not issue you a passport, you can have the document translated into English or German and submit it to the immigration office. A deportation cannot usually be realised without identity documents. However, there are exceptions, for example, if Germany has concluded a specific agreement with the destination country. In general, not having identity documents constitutes an obstacle to deportation. In such cases, the immigration office usually issues a tolerated stay according to §60a (Residence Act). Note: If you do not fulfil your obligation to cooperate in obtaining passport documents, this can lead to a ‘tolerated stay for people with an unclear identity’. This means you are not allowed to work and have a number of restrictions. The grey passport is issued to persons who are stateless, entitled to subsidiary protection, or have received a ban on deportation. You must apply for the grey passport at the immigration office. What can you do next?

You can find more detailed information here:

Find an advice center:,

Find a lawyer (you will have to pay): (“Fachanwaltsbezeichnung”: “Migrationsrecht”),

Ask for help from a LIFE Initiative volunteer:

I hope this information is helpful for you. Kind regards,


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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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  • International Rescue Committee Logo