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Not informing Arbeitsagentur on time for starting new job

Hello, I’ve laid off in July 2023 with 3 months notice which ended at the end of October 2023. I’ve registered as unemployed with arbeitsagentur within 3 days when my contract was terminated. However, I didn’t apply for unemployment money. In December 2023, I started a new job and I thought my new employer would inform the arbeitsagentur. As I was not getting paid by arbeitsagentur at all, I only informed them about finding a new job in February 2024 when I was laid off from the new job. In February 2024, I applied for both unemployment money that i should have received for 1 month for November 2023 and from March 2024 on. But arbeitsagentur paid me for December, January and February too so I received extra 3 months money which then they asked me to send them back and I did immediately. However, now they started an investigation against me and asked me to fill a form to explain the situation. Is there anyone who had a similar issue before? Should I admit in this form that I made an infringement?


thank you!


Reply (4)

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Hello @lldn , thank you for asking your question on the platform. Yes, indeed we had a similar question from a community member before. I think the thread also answers your question. You can take a look at the thread here:… . You should answer and explain to them that this was a misunderstanding and you have paid the money back as soon as possible. If you have any further questions regarding this, please let us know. You can also get in touch with the other community member and ask her about their experience with this situation. Best wishes

Hello All,
Need your suggestions on my problem.
As I started new job and completely forgot to inform BundesAgentur fur Arbeit that I have signed a contract and as a result, they transferred me benefits for 3 extra month. I have already sent the money back since, but they sent me a letter titled "Ermittelungsverfhren wegen Verdachts einer Ordnungswidrigkeit". What happens now? Do I have to court? Should I pay a huge fine? 
I saw some of you already faced this @Sarah  
It will be great if  you can let me know how did you tackle the situation @Yara__Community_Manager  
Your response is highly appreciated!



Hello @lldn  

May I know further updates about the issue.
Actually I am also facing same scenario now.

Thanks for your response.!


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Hi @dreamer11 , I noticed you also asked the same question under this thread: 

I have answered your question there. 
Best wishes 

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