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Labour Laws

Paternity Leave

Dear All, 

I have notified my employer that I want to go on Paternity leave for 6 months. Notification has given 2 months in advance (more than official 7 weeks). Now my managers threaten me with rejecting my paternity leave request because for them, I have informed them in short notice. My manager emailed me that he is not confirming my request and he wants to discuss it with me next week. However, the official deadline to submit the paternity leave form to HR is next week Wednesday. If I submit paternity leave request form to HR before discussing with my manager, can he reject the paternity leave request? Is there any way for him (manager) to block me from going on paternity leave? Urgent answers are appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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Barbara_Community Manager
Dear @LostinGermany , Thank you for sharing your situation.It seems that your employer is causing undue stress and uncertainty regarding your paternity leave plans. To register your planned parental leave, you must provide written notice to your employer. There is no specific form for this purpose, but you must include the start and end dates of your leave If your child was born before 1 July 2015, you must notify your employer at least seven weeks in advance, regardless of the date of your planned parental leave. If your child was born after 1 July 2015, the following rules apply to you: * If you are going into parental leave before your child's 3rd birthday, you must inform your employer at least seven weeks in advance. * If you wish to go into parental leave between the 3rd and 8th birthday of your child, you must notify your boss at least 13 weeks in advance. For more information on parental leave, please visit I recommend contacting the Migration Counselling Office (MBE), which can be found in your area on If you have any other questions after reading the links which I sent you, please let me know. Best Barbara PS. @Faire Integration BB Do you have other tips?
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