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Visa & Residence

permanent settlement permit

 Dear Yara,

I know that there is a possibility to obtain permanent settlement permit (permanent residency) after 5 years of living in a country on a temporary residence permit and fulfills other basic requirements. Is the period of living on the basis of a temporary residence permit issued according to sec.24 Immigration Act (e.g., for Ukrainians fleeing the war) counted in that 5 years?



Reply (2)

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Yara_Community Manger
Dear @Ruslana , Thank you for reaching out to us again. Generally, refugees with other protection status can apply for permanent residency (PR) after 3 or 5 years - depending on the requirements. However, usually it includes the duration of the asylum procedure. Nevertheless, for individuals holding a residence permit according to §24, there are currently no specific regulations in place for obtaining permanent residency. With a paragraph §24, it is possible to switch to a different permit category, such as a work permit (§18 Abs. 1 or §18 Abs. 2, Blue Card), or a student visa. Since you previously also asked about obtaining a Blue Card with a temporary protection status (§24). This “switch” is possible, once you fulfill the requirements of the Blue Card. You can read more about the prerequisites here: Once you have received the Blue Card, you can usually receive a permanent residence status quicker. You can read more on the official site of the Berlin immigration office: Please let us know if this answer helped you. I am always happy respond to any further questions. Best wishes Yara
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Yara_Community Manger
Dear @Ruslana I hope you are doing well. Please let us know if you have any further questions. Best wishes
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