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Please how can I find an interpreter in my area

Please how can i find an interpreter around my area? I live in Walldürn and my German is not yet good. Thanks


(2)  I am new here, and I am already impressed with the support that many people are receiving here. I found this platform through recommendation. It was initially for another topic, but I found out that TIG is even doing a lot more to provide useful information. At least here, there is an option of the language that one can easily understand and communicate better while gradually learning German language. It is not that easy learning a foreign language in adult age, but still most of us here, are determined to learn. I am exactly two years in Germany. Last year 2022 i spent 6 months in Volkshochschule for my German B1 certificate. It helped improve my German speaking and understanding, but still not good enough. I am still struggling with the language especially in understanding aspect. Although this is not exactly the reason am here but yet, part of it.... Please I need the help of TIG. I am currently unemployed, and I have also registered with Agentur für Arbeit in my area. I don't really have any work experience here in Germany, as I have only worked as a production employee for a month with P&G company also known as Braun in Walldürn. How do I get help from Job center around my area, actually to help me find a job. As I have been searching for a job since June, and I have not been able for find a suitable job. Agentur für Arbeit enrolled me in a coaching training that basically help especially foreigner to find a job, Ausbildungsplatz or Praktikum. I go there once a week for 30 minutes, but still there are no improvement. Or If you have any suggestions as regards to which organization to reach out to. Importantly, I am physically challenged but NOT in a way that I can not work. I have tried to reach out to few offices that allegedly claim to support the minorites in Germany to integrate well, but few ended up a dead end. And please I would like to know if you can help me to have access to an interpreter, because sometimes I have a very important appointment; and I feel misunderstood from exactly what I really want. I speak basics of German but still not good enough especially in technical terms. My husband is German. Initially when I moved to Germany, he accompanied me to few of my official appointment to help interpret, but he can't keep up with that most of the times. He goes to work because he is the only one paying bills for our family right now. And that is already exhausting. This is why I am looking for a job. we live in the suburban, unfortunately there are lots of stereotypes here. It is also becoming frustrating. It seems like the minorites find it difficult integrating here. It's difficult to find organizations that represents the minorites well. So please if you also know of any other organizations apart from the Job center, probably helps people with disability to integrate well, do well to relate the information to me. I would appreciate that. I am sorry I wrote this long, more reason i need an interpreter because I like to express myself well.


Reply (10)

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My_Community Managerin
Dear @Jasmine thank you for your question! I reached out to some migration counselling centres in your area (Buchen - Odenwald) and got positive feedback from Caritas Neckar-Odenwald. Some of their counselors are multilangual and offers support with translation, also at appointments with authorities. Could you please tell me which language you need support in?
@My_Community Managerin thank you so much for your response. I speak and understand English better. So English language interpreter is preferred. I would appreciate it, probably in some of my official appointment. Thank you.
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My_Community Managerin
Good morning @Jasmine finally, I reached someone from a counselling center in Buchen again. She asked me to provide you her e-mail address, so you can forward your phone number to her. I will send you her e-mail address as a private message. She will try to support you locally. Please also describe what support you wish. Please let me know if you have further questions.
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My_Community Managerin
Dear @Jasmine Thank you for your additional explanation and your feedback. Indeed, our goal is to provide useful information for everyone, especially for those learning German as a foreign language. It's completely understandable that learning a new language as an adult can be challenging, but it's great that you are eager to learn German. It takes time and practice, and it's already a very good start that you completed a B1 certificate. However, I am still waiting for feedback from the counselling center and will get back to you as soon as I have news. . Regarding your job search and support from the Jobcenter: it's important to stay in regular contact with them and explain your situation. Additionally, it might be helpful to explore other support services in addition to the coaching training, which can assist you in finding a suitable job. May I ask in which field you are looking for? Do you have a degree? I might can provide you some websites. On our website, you might also find some useful information about job search and the application process: Please let me know if you have further questions.
Yes, I have a degree from my home country, bachelor of arts ( Education linguistic). This course is absolutely geared towards teaching. But I want to diversify to other field of study(probably social services, IT, energy renewal etc), as I do not really want to go into teaching. That is not really my interest, It was just obtainable at a time in my country. At the moment, I just want to work a little bit and a little earning to support pay bills. My target is that I would like to find a course in English to study for my masters. I heard that there are some universities here that offers courses in English as well. I would love to work towards finding this course, probably by next year.
At the moment , the specification here is not certain, because as a new immigrant, things/ challenges will constantly come up. That being said, I wish it is possible for me to have a support of one contact person or office, where I can easily access by booking appointment; should in case if I have any worries in general , living here in Germany, like securing a job and keeping that job at least for a longer time instead of the short contracts, if I want to further my education, they help me with useful infos or recommend other offices that is directly responsible to help with further details. In summary, It still has to do with my general living in Germany, like helping me integrate well, to make things a bit better. Like I stated earlier, I am physically challenged (disabled), so navigating around most times with lack of right information, is pretty difficult and exhausting. If I can have that one point of contact office, like you said "a counselling center" probably for immigrants but also not limited to, as to where to get the right infos when needed or the right offices responsible to help with any clarification, I would really appreciate it. As an immigrant, I just want to integrate well here and also give back to the society that supported me. I just don't want to be liability to anybody or entity. Thank you so much @My_Community Managerin ?
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My_Community Managerin
Hello @Jasmine It is great if you would like to explore other fields other than your studies and also would like to continue your studies. Please note, if you think about changing your field of studies, there might be some challenges. Master programs are usually build on a corresponding bachelor's degree completed in a similar or related field. This means that to enroll in a master's program, it is usually required that the bachelor's degree was completed in a similar field. Of course, there are exceptions, and some master's programs may accept other bachelor degrees or may require additional tests or courses to compensate for the lack of knowledge in the "new" field. However, it is important to carefully review the specific requirements of each master's program before applying. You can reach out to the student counselling of the university and ask if and with which requirements a master with your bachelor would be possible. . For job search, you can check out job posting platforms, like monster, Stepstone, Indeed. You can use the filter and the search mask to look for your specific field. . The migrations counselling centers can usually help you with the challenges that you face as a new immigrant in Germany. Were you already able to reach out to the counselling centre in Buchen? We on Together-in-Germany are of course also happy to help you with any questions or concerns that you might have. Please let me know how I can support you further.
Yes, you are right about the masters program relatively on initial similar field of study or corresponding degree. I will find something inline with that, which may not be necessarily teaching in the classroom; perhaps more inline with administrative field. However, if I am not able to find any area of interest, alternatively I will find a substitute to do in my Ausbildung. No, I haven't reached out yet to the counselling center in Buchen. At the moment, I got another one month job contract with P&G through Fran & Wach, until 31.08.23. I will reach out , when this contract ends. Thank you guys for being here.
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My_Community Managerin
This sounds like a good plan, @Jasmine Wish you all the best. In case you have further questions, happy if you will reach out again.
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Seoyoung_Community Management Support

Hi @Jasmine  ,

I wanted to check in on you. Could you reach out to the counselling center? I hope you could get support from them. We're curious to hear how it went.

Let us know if you have further questions.

Best wishes


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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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