questions about work contract termination and its impact on visa
Hello ,
i would like to ask questions about the termination of work contract and its impact on my visa status, and any advice related to these questions would be appreciated.
# my situation:
- i was registered as a phd student at university in germany and working as a wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter from 01.06.2017 to 30.04.2019 (auf 2 Abs. 1 WissZeitVG), under Aufenthaltstitel (16Abs.1 with 78a Abs.1, gültig bis 30.04.2022), which was valid from 05.2017 until 09.2022.
- i started working as a data scientist with a part time contract from 05.2021 for a startup company in berlin, then i changed to a full time contract from 11.2021 and this also changed my Aufenthaltstitel (18B Abs. 1, gültig bis 14.11.2025) (During this change, i quit my phd registration).
- I was notified on 30th of July that my work contract will be terminated by the end of September 2024. (it‘s a notice from a company, not my choice).
- I registered as arbeitsuchende person on 1st of August via phone, and the staff on the phone told me to register as arbeitslos before 1st of October (i‘m preparing the necessary documents).
- I‘m trying to find a full time job during next weeks.
# Questions
- do i need to inform/send any documents to ausländerbhörde about the termination of my work contract (kündigung letter from work) and the registrations (arbeitsuchende/arbeitlos) at arbeitsagentur?
- do i need to ask my company to send any documents to ausländerbhörde?
- what i understood is that my visa/aufenthaltstitel is valid as long as the work contract is valid. Would this mean then my visa status will be illegal after september and i lose the right to stay in germany? (i‘m confused about this with arbeitsuchende condition). and does it mean that i cannot travel outside of germany after september? or is there a way to keep my visa status safe and make trips possible? (i have a planned trips in the end of October 2024 within Europe and January2025 outside of Europe)
- do i need to apply chancenkarte to keep my visa status safe? or what else should i do?
- once I find a new job that’s valid after 1.10.2024, would I be eligible to apply for a permanent residency directly? Previously, I paid taxes/renten during 01.11.2021-30.09.2024 (35 months under 18B Abs.1, with full time contract at the company), and during 01.06.2017-30.04.2019 (23 months under 16Abs.1 with 78a Abs.1, with half time contract as phd students usually get 50% work contract). I’m not sure exactly how my payment/commitment during these two different periods are counted when it comes to applying for permanent residency.
thank you for reading it, hopefully hear from you soon.
hello @j_hih1 ,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
Yes, please inform the Ausländerbehörde that you will be without a job from Sep.
You employer also needs to inform the immigration office. But it is important that you inform them as soon as you can. It is also important that you change your visa to a residency title i.e plastic card if you haven’t done so already.
You can already register as “Arbeitsuchend” online, please do this and as soon as your loose your job you can register as “Arbeitslos”.
The steps are also explained here:
Once the immigration office is informed that you will loose your job they can shorten the time frame of your residency or even just give you a Fiktionsbescheinigung. It really depends on the officer.
You can ask for an extension and show that you are already applying for job. Hopefully they will give you an extension.
It depends if you can travel on the extension the officer will give you. Please inform them that you are planning to travel. In that case they do not extend your residency please ask for a Fiktionsbescheinigung that you can travel with (there are different types)
It can be a good idea apply for the “Chancenkarte” but for this you need to cover your own livelihood. More information on the Chancenkarte can be found here:
Regarding the application of the permanent residence, you will need to show contribution for at least 36months, so your fulfill that requirement. You can find more about the other requirements here:
Then it would be a good idea to apply for the permanent residence once you have a job. It might also be a good idea to already apply now. Since it seems that you qualify for it.
If you have further questions, please let me know. Maybe @Faire__Integration_in_Schleswig-Holstein and/or @Saskia__Faire_Integration_Sachsen-Anhalt have some further tips for you
Best wishes