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Questions about work contract termination and taking a party time job & its impact on visa

I am a non EU citizen. I came to Germany, Düsseldorf on EU blue card. After working for 1.2 years I lost my job. After that I applied for Arbeitlosgeld and I received it for 6 months. I also enrolled for Integration course. Currently I am jobless for last 7 months, I am not getting Arbeitlosgeld anymore, my integration course is still continuing.

Initially when this situation happened I communicated Ausländerbehörde through Email. 

Recently I getting a part time job opportunity, which is 20 hours per week.

Now ny questions are:

1) Do I need to inform Ausländerbehörde about the part time job?

2) Will a part time job change status of my residence permit?

3) The Aufenthaltserlaubnis states- that if I change my job I need to update the company name also. Does it also applicable for part time jobs as well? Or only for full time job? 

Kindly help me to understand the procedure. Your help is highly appreciated.


Reply (4)

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Hello @Adh_ and welcome to our forum thank you for posting your question here. 
It’s great you have informed the Ausländerbehörde regarding your job loss, you have a deadline two weeks to inform them, after you have lost your job.

I will try and answer your questions, please other community members who have had similar experiences feel free to share too. 

1) In general, if you have to let your local immigration office know if you change your job within the first year of employment if you hold a Blue Card.
Then the immigration office will check if your new employment meets the requirements of a blue card. Here is more information on the job change with a Blue Card
 I would recommend to always let the immigration office know when you change jobs. 

 2) Whether or not your residence changes depend on the type of job you will have.
 The immigration office (Ausländerbehörde) will always check if the requirements for a Blue Card are fulfilled.

  • One of the requirements which might be difficult to achieve with a part time job is the minimum gross annual salary which is at €48.300 (in 2025)
     The minimum income varies according to certain exceptions, for example if you work in a job that has shortages. You can find the different amounts on our page:
    And on Make it in Germany: 
  • The job will also need to be a qualified job, meaning that it requires a university degree and is tied to your degree. 

    3) The update also applies for part time jobs. Your residency is usually always tied to the employer. If this changes then you also need to change it on your residency. The experts from @Faire__Integration_in_Schleswig-Holstein and @Faire__Integration_BB might also have some further tipps for you.

     Please let me know if you have any further questions. 

    Best wishes.


Thank you very much for your response. It's truly helpful to get information. In addition to this can you help me with the email id for Ausländerbehörde Düsseldorf please. Previously I have sent them email to:


But I am not sure if this is the accurate one. Its a bit confusing because there are many email ids, and I am not sure which one is specially useful for my case.

Thank you in advance.

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Hi @Adh_

thank you for the lovely feedback. 
I am not sure about the exact e-mail for Düsseldorf. We are based in Berlin and do not know the details of the local immigration offices. 
Was this e-mail given to you by a case worker? Then this should be the correct mail. 

You can also check the website again:…

However, they mention that you should not try and post the same request to many e-mails because this will slow down the process. 

Unfortunately, many have issues with contacting the immigration office, since getting an appointment or response can take quite a while. 

Please keep us updated on the process. This is also helpful for other community members in the forum who are have similar questions. 

Best wishes 

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Dear @Adh@,

Thank you for your inquiry!
In principle, you must inform the Ausländerbehörde of any change in your employment/financial situation, as your residence permit (Blue Card) was granted on the basis of these two requirements. This also applies to starting a new part-time job.
What was the response of the Ausländerbehörde to your email informing them of the loss of your initial job? Were you given a specific period (3 or 6 months) to find a new job? Did this period of time already end?
If you were unable to find a suitable employment opportunity within the period granted by the Ausländerbehörde, your residence permit will no longer be valid. You will then need to consider what other options you have if you want to stay in Germany. You may be able to apply for a residence permit for employment seekers (Opportunity Card if you meet the requirements.
However, since this is difficult to assess on the basis of the information you have provided, I strongly recommend that you contact a local legal advice centre on immigration matters. 

Best Regrads


Faire Integration in Schleswig-Holstein

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