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I am seeking help in terms of my foreign qualification recognition. I have been in contact with you this week and received guidance to contact RECOGNITION-ENERGIES@F-BB.DE by email or call however both number and email address is not working. Can you please help me.


Reply (4)

my nguyen_community managerin • vor 1 tag Hello samira aslamzada thank you for reaching out. I am sorry to hear that the federal employment agency won't support your acknowledgment process. There is a so-called "recognition grant" ("Anerkennungszuschuss"), which you can apply for. Those with low income are entitled to apply for the recognition grants. You can apply for such a grant at one of the counselling centres of the IQ Network. Before applying, you can seek advice in advance via phone or e-mail. You can reach the staff on the phone at +49 371 4 33 11 222 or per mail via RECOGNITION-ENERGIES@F-BB.DE. Please find more information how to apply on the WEBSITE OF THE FEDERAL MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND RESEARCH. You might consider to request an appointment. They can help you filling out the application form. Fell free to ask, if something remains unclear. beate mertens - Beate might want to add some additional information.
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Hello @Samira__Aslamzada my apologies. Please try this e-mail address: And happy if you let me know, if that one worked or if you have further questions.
@My__Community_Managerin Hello, Thank you very much yes it worked and I have been guided accordingly.
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Happy to hear & help @Samira__Aslamzada If you need any further assistance, please let me know. Fingers crossed!
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