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Recognizing my Engineering Bachelor Degree

Hello, My name is Shabir, I am a Civil Engineer who has just came to Germany . I am living in Bremen . I wanted to know the  procedures of how to recognize my engineering bachelor degree? Are they going to accept my degree from Afghanistan ? If yes shall i be able to work as an engineer when i finished my Deutsch kurs (B1)? 


Best Regards,



Reply (12)

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Hi @Shab__jalali thank you for reaching out. May I ask if you already checked on the database "anabin" if your bachelor degree and the university you've studied at, is already acknowledged? Unfortunately, this website is only available in German. Best would be if your university should show the Status H+ and your degree appears equivalent (Entspricht). If this is not the case, there is still the possibility to apply for for an acknowledgement process at Central Office for Foreign Education (Zentralstelle für ausländische Bildungswesen - ZAB). Please note that there are processing and translation fees to start the process. Please note, if your employment falls under an engineering profession, then you might need an additional recognition. The professional title of engineer counts in Germany under a regulated profession. You can find more information on our Handbook Germany website. If you need assistance in finding your university and degree on the anabin website, please tell me the full name of your university and the correct degree, which is mentioned in your diploma. As well as, helping finding out if you will need an acknowledgment as an engineer. Feel free to ask me, in case something remains unclear.
Hi madam, Thank you very much for you detailed response, My university is recognized and acknowledged as per Anabin Database .. i even filled a form which has to be sent to Bonn for recognition alongside some required documents ,one of the documents needed are beglaubigt kopie ..which i have to see a notare first ..and also translate it ..Job center has told me that they are going to pay for the fees but i have to find a notare and a traslation company by myself you know a better place that can help me ? and why should i see a notare i didnt understand is it for the translation purpose of something else ? thank you
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Hello @Shab__jalali it is great that your university and your degree are listed in anabin and already acknowledged on the database.

In general, a notary is a public official who is authorized by the government to witness and certify the signing of important documents, administer oaths, and perform other legal formalities. The main role of a notary is to prevent fraud and ensure the authenticity of legal documents. They typically verify the identity of the person signing the document, confirm that they are signing it of their own free will, and ensure that the contents of the document are accurate and complete. Common documents that may require notarization include wills, deeds, power of attorney documents and contracts. Notaries may also perform other functions, such as certifying copies of important documents and administering oaths or affirmations.

However, if you only need "Beglaubigte Kopien" for the last step of your acknowledgment process, cityhalls also provide such a service. After you received the translated documents, you can book an appointment at your local city hall in Bremen.

Alternatively, there are also companies who can support with your translation and legalize the documents immediately. For example this network of translators provide such services.

Happy if you let me know if this helped you or please get back to me if you have more questions.
Dear Madam, I am really happy to be in contact here and thank you so much for giving such a detailed answer.I will make sure to get an appointment first and see my documents translated by the link given above ..if any new question arises I will make sure to ask ..thank you for your kind cooperation...
Madam, the problem with my University Documents is that they were bound by a pin and have staple marks on them therefore, the link you provided has suggested me to see a Notar
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Hello @Shab__jalali through this website you can find a local notary: Unfortunately, the website is only in German but you are able to enter the city and the preferred language of the attorney. Next to a list of possible notaries and telephone numbers, you can see a map and choose the clostest one. Please tell me your zip code, in case you need assistance in finding a notary in your area.
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Dear @Shab__jalali thank you. I just kept your zip code to keep your privacy. I tried to look up for the closest one but unfortunately, the search mask don't allow to enter a zip code. Now I tried with the help of maps to see which one is the closest. Please find attached the list with the notaries in Bremen. I highlighted the notary which should be closest to you on the last page. Happy if you share your experience and if it helped.
Dear Madam, Thank you very much for your professionalism, and the kind act of guidance. I will make sure to get an appointment with a notar and share the experience with you ...thank you very much
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Happy to help and hear about it, @Shab__jalali Thank you!
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Hello @Shab__jalali I hope you are doing fine. I just wanted to ask if everything worked out or do you still have further questions?
@My__Community_Managerin Dear Madam, Thank you for the follow up question. As per your guidance I was able to hand over my degree to a translation company. they have promised to translate it and also finish the notare section . I will share my full experience as soon as I am finished ....Many thanks
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Thank you! Happy to hear @Shab__jalali Wish you all the best!
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