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Registration in universities

Hello dear team hope this message find you well I have done my bachelor degree (BBA) from Afghanistan recently i am leaving in Bremen Germany from last 2 months and know I want to continue my studies (master program) i am getting benefits from job center is it possible that I can join university in English language for master program of you please give me some information 


Reply (3)

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Yara_Community Manger
Hello dear @shahfaisal , thank you for your question. In general, it is possible to start studying if you have a residency in Germany. Please note that once you start studying, usually, the job center will not longer provide financial assistance. There are some exceptions such as, but not limited to; you study part time, you are a single parent or you are pregnant. If you no longer receive aid from the Job Center, then you will have to check if you are eligible for so called BAFöG, which is the state financial aid program for students. Whether you can apply for it depends on your age, residence permit and previous qualification. You can learn all the details about BAFöG here: We also have more information on how you can finance your studies here: I have also answered a similar question about the master application here: You can generally join a master’s program if your bachelor’s program is accepted. I would recommend searching for the program and university you want to study at and ask them about the requirements. You can find more detailed information on the application process and how to find master programs here: I hope this information was useful. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Best wishes Yara
Thanks for your answer
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Yara_Community Manger
@shahfaisal , you are very welcome
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  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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