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I wanna know about 5000 German scholarships for Afghan women. It announced on social media. Please tell me if this news is correct or no. If yes can you give me information about it. Thanks.


Reply (6)

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Hello @Zr.b , thank you for your question. Firstly, can I please ask you to change or shorten your name. As we do not allow the full name to be visible on our public forum. This is to protect the communities privacy. Thank you for understanding. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) announced the scholarships for Afghan women in neighboring countries at the beginning of this year. According to the press release they will launch scholarship for Afghan women who have fled to the neighboring counties; Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan and Bangladesh.… You can also find an e-mail from the DAAD where you can ask questions on these scholarships at the end of the press release. You can read more on what universities offer the scholarships here:… If you need further information please do not hesitate to contact us here. Best wishes Yara
@Yara__Community_Manager Thanks for your information. unfortunately this scholarship is for those who fled from Afghanistan. So what about other girls, who got stayed at Afghanistan? Is there any way they get this scholarship too?
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Hello @Zr.b , I have reached out to the DAAD to see if there are any scholarships available for Afghan women in Afghanistan. I will let you know once I get a response. As far as I can see, the current scholarship opportunities are only for those that fled Afghanistan. I will keep you updated. Best wishes Yara
@Yara__Community_Manager okay, thank you so much.
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Hello @Zr.b , I received a reply from the DAAD. They said that, regrettably, there are no programs for Afghan women who are still in Afghanistan. The programs are for Afghan women in Bangladesh, Krykistan and Pakistan. Both the programs in Bangladesh and Kyristan are closed and no longer accept applications. The Program in Pakistan will open in May 2023 more information can be found on the DAAD scholarship Database. I hope this information was useful. Best wishes Yara
@Yara__Community_Manager thank you very much.
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