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Yara_Community Manger


Dear Amjd Elam,

We received the following questions from you in the Arabic forum.

Hello, I have a question about the free scholarships offered by Germany regarding study, and since our actual language is Arabic , it is required to study the German language levels if we are on university grounds. As for the conditions of the scholarship offered with the language condition, it does not make sense except with the levels of knowledge .. Is there a scholarship without conditions? Language at its levels, with all respect

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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @amjd elam , thank you for posting your question. I have moved your question from the Arabic forum to the English forum and will answer it here. Most scholarships for universities will probably require a certain German level. Unless the program you apply for is in English. You can search the DAAD database for scholarships here:… . We also provide information on how to receive scholarships on our handbook germany page: . Certain universities will also provide scholarships for German courses. This might also be interesting for you: ‘ Please note if you are outside of Germany, you will need to show that you have enough financial resources to apply for a study visa. More information on the student visa application can be found here: . Please let me know if you have any further questions. Good luck for you applications Best wishes
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