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Hi, my name is Amara. I was a first year medical Liberian student in Ukraine when the war began and I came to Germany last year from Ukraine and I would like to stay . I have completed B1 level in German language but I don't know how to get enrolled at a university or get an apprenticeship. Until now I don't know what status I have here and I don't know what to do. 


Reply (2)

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My Nguyen_Community Managerin
Dear @Amara1 thank you for reaching out to us. If you were holding a residence permit in Ukraine during the outbreak of the war, you can apply for a residence permit according §24 AufenthG for protection in Germany. Did you apply at a local foreigners department already? . To be able to study, you will need to match the following requirements: - You need to have a university entrance qualification. This means that your high school diploma needs to be equivalent to a German diploma. You can check that on anabin or DAAD database. - It is a great start that you already finished a language course with B1. Unfortunately, to start a study you will need at least a level of C1. - If you would like to continue medicine, in Germany this is a restricted-admission study program. There are only some slots for to many applicants. Therefore, universities grants approval to students with great grades in their high school diploma. To be sure what the requirements are and if you match them, you can contact the university you wish to study. On our website, Handbook Germany, you can find all the information about University applications. . Lastly, you can additionally reach out to IQ Network. They are specialized with recognition processes and admission to universities. If you tell me where you are currently living, I will check if there is a counselling center close to you. Please let me know if something remains unclear or you have further questions.
Seoyoung_Community Management Support

Hi @Amara1  ,

I wanted to check in with you. How has the process of searching for a university admission or apprenticeship been so far? We'd be happy to hear back from you and let us know if you have further questions.

Best wishes


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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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