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Self Employment

Hello everyone, I'm a refuge from Ukraine, right now I'm studing in Hochschule, also working as "Werkstudent" (20 hours/week). 

I'm planing on opening an online shop in Germany and I have following questions:

- Am I allowed to do it?

- If yes, how do I do it?

Thanks for your help!


Reply (7)

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Hallo @Nikita__Koval  , thank you for getting in touch. Before we give you any information, please let us know what kind of residence permit you have in Germany. Best Barbara 


Hallo Barbara, thanks for your fast respond, currently I have "Aufenthaltstitel".


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Hey Nikita Koval , thank you for your respond. Please write us what kind of Aufenthaltstitel (=residence permit) you have. What is the paragraph? Best Barbara  


Hey, my paragraph is 24. 

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Hey, Thank you for your reply. You can open your own business if you have temporary protection. If you change your temporary protection to residence for study purposes, it is not so easy to start your own business. I suggest that you contact a business start-up centre (Gründerberatung) in your area and ask for advice. You may also find this information useful: Best wishes Barbara 


@Barbara__Community_Manager  Thank you very much Barbara!

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@Nikita__Koval  you are welcome 

A project by:
  • medienmacher
  • Funded by the European Union Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
Funded by:
  • International Rescue Committee Logo