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Speciality in cardialogy

Hi sir/madam I am sharifullah sharafyar from Afghanistan I am a professional doctor. I did MD in 2017 after that I did Residency in general internal medicine now I want to do my Specialization in germany. Should you please tell me about the process for my ducoments recognisation in germany


Reply (2)

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Hello @Shari74 ,

thank you for reaching out to us.

The profession of a medical doctor is a regulates profession in Germany, meaning that your degree needs to be recognized in Germany and you need an Approbation or license to practice medicine. 

The various documents that you will need also depend on the federal state you want to apply in.
Here is an example of the application procedure in Berlin. 

We have more information on the recognition process and the visa for the recognition process. 

Recognition Process: 
Visa for recognition: 

You can also contact the service center that can give you information on the process.

Maybe the @Ursula_IQ_NRW_Anerkennungsberatung @Ansgar_IQ_NRW_West might have more information for you. 
Best wishes 

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Hallo, here are some more information.

You must first apply for a license to practice (Approbation). Each federal state in Germany has its own competent authority. Please enquire in the respective federal state.

Once you have received your license to practice medicine, you can apply for recognition for specialist training. You will also need to find out who is responsible for this in the respective federal state.

With your license to practice medicine, you can also undertake further specialist training.

I recommend to seek advice on recognition from the Förderprogramm IQ, as the recognition process is demanding and many things need to be taken into account. Here is the link to the overview of advice centers: They are responsible if you are already in Germany.

If you are not yet in Germany, the Central Office for Professional Recognition (ZSBA) can advise you:

Best wishes

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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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