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Social Benefits

Student Burgergeld and minijob

Hi there

Can a student who receives Burgergeld and who attends school full time keep the whole amount of 538 euros from their minijob, not just the allocated 100 euros + 30% of the 438 euros.

Many thanks



Reply (3)

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Yara_Community Manger

Hi @SW516 , thank you for reaching out to us.

As a student you can unfortunately not receive Bürgergeld. However, you are allowed to work as a student a certain number of hours every semester. So if you work a minijob during your studies you can keep the amount.

for more information please read our page on Bürgergeld
and on Student jobs.
You can always write us if you have any further questions.

Please note: Can I kindly ask you to shorten your username. Since we want to protect the privacy of the community we do not allowe full names to be displayed in the forum.

Best wishes


Hi Yara 

Tku for your reply. How do I change my username?

Regarding my question, the student is part of a community that already receives Bürgergeld and did a Minijob for a month during the last month of school and was told they could keep the full 538euros for that month however the Jobcenter wanted to only let them keep the allowance. Can you clarify? Tks 

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Yara_Community Manger

Hi @SW516 , thank you for changing your username.

I have a follow up question, is the person that is doing a Minijob  a student at a university? Or a student at a high school?

In general you can only earn 100 euros on top of the Bürgergeld that you receive, everything that you earn on top of that will be deducted from the 538euro. How much will be deducted depends on the amount that you earn. Please have a look at our chapter info regarding this.

If you have further questions please let us know.
Best wishes

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