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Study visa

Hello, please few times I am asking you?

I have applied for an appointment for German study visa in Master in Computer Science ? IT in 2022 May 28th

But still I have no info about my appointment date even though I have mailed few times to the German Embassy in Islamabad Pakistan.

I do not know in how much time ? the German government gives appointment term to Afghan students?


Reply (3)

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Hello @AhmadullahZadran  , Thank you for contacting us. I am really sorry that you do not have any information about your appointment. We are an online forum that can provide you with initial, general information. My colleague has already answered your question here: and we have no other information. We do not know if your appointment will be processed, we do not have insight into organizational issues of embassies. There are long waiting times for visa appointments at the German Embassy in Islamabad, especially for Afghan students, and due to high demand, embassies may have limited capacity to respond to individual requests. I hope that you will get some concrete information from the embassy soon. Best regards, Barbara 


Yes, OK thanks ? ? 

Long life to you all

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thank you :)

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