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Ibrahim amir khan

For visa or scholarship of Berlin

Dear HR!

Sir I have to say that I want to visit Germany, and study for master degree if you help me to get visa or scholarship of any university.




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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @Ibrahim amir khan , thank you for your question on our platform! I am happy to guide you on the visa process and where you can find scholarships for a master program. To apply for a visa, you first need to find a spot at a university and receive an acceptance letter. You will have to check if your bachelor is accepted at that university. You will also need to show that you can provide for yourself financially, the visa for studies requires you to have a block account of 11,208 euros in 2023. You will need this block account for each year. You will also need proof of your German language skills, unless your language skills have already been checked by the university or preparatory college. In principle, you need at least B2 or higher. Please check the language requirements with the university. . You can find out more information on the visa application We have also provided information on the university application procedure and where to look for courses here: If you are looking only in Berlin then just type in the city in the Hochschulkompass . You can also always write the university you’re interested in and ask for the requirements. Most universities in Germany have an international office. Lastly, scholarships can be found on the DAAD websites database, it is also in English:… . I hope this information was useful. Please let me know if you need further help. Best wishes
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