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visa for seeking vocational training


I would like to know if my education or years will be accepted by the German authorities. I was part of the non k+12 educational system since it started 2018 in my country. I was in college 2012-2016 . Also I'm undergraduate.I'm planning to apply for visa for seeking vocational training .


Reply (3)

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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @cjj , thank you for your question on our community platform. Whether or not your educational years will be accepted depends on the type of vocational training you want to do. For example, for Dual vocational training: you do not need a school-leaving certificate in order to start you vocational training in Germany. Each company decides which qualifications their candidates need. You can find out more about dual vocational training here: a good overview of whether you need a school leaving certificate or not can be found here:… . If you have finished your undergraduate degree, you can also check on the anabin website if this degree is recognized in Germany. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Best wishes
Btw, I don't have specific company to apply yet because I want to apply for "Visa for seeking vocational training" Another question is: How do I prove them my educational attainment? Is anabin copy enough or do I need Zab to proof it? And for that specific visa I have the following requirement:Proof of the equivalence of your Philippine school or university degree with a German school-leaving certificate (Reifezeugnis) After a research on the anabin website did I see that my 10 years + 2 years university should be equivalent to Abitur which means it’s more then the Reifezeugnis. But can you tell me what proof for that do I need to bring with it to the visa application. Do I need to just give them a copy of my school certificates and the anabin pdf copy or how else can I proof it.
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Seoyoung_Community Management Support

Hi @cjj  ,

is this question still unresolved?

Best wishes


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