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Vocational Training

Vocational Schools

Dear community,

I would like to ask if the volcational schools are a good choice to join for later job opportunities and permanent residency purposes. 

May I get your point of views on joining volcational schools.



Reply (2)

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Barbara Stasiak_Community Manager
Dear @jack , thank you for reaching out to us. It's a good idea to start with vocational school. If you complete vocational training, you are considered as a skilled professional. You will have a better chance of getting a job and permanent residence in Germany. Here you can find out more about permanent residence:… Here is more information about work permit.… Finally, this link lists all the different types of visas and their requirements: I hope you find this information useful. Let me know if you have any other questions. Best, Barbara
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Barbara Stasiak_Community Manager

Hey @jack  , How are you doing? Are the links I sent you useful? What about your vocational school? Would you like to share your experience? Best Barbara 

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